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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A New Princess Joins Our Family!

We are proud to announce the newest member of our family! Princess Aurora Nicole Deming. She was born on 1/11/'s that for a fun birthdate?! She was born at 12:36 am weighing just barely under 6 lbs. and 18-1/2" long. Dad, Darwin, and Mom, Kiara are truly thrilled with this new little bundle who will rule their lives from now on! We are already in love with her.
Welcome to our world Rori...
We are so blessed to have you as part of the Koon Clan!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Koda's First Birthday

It doesn't seem possible that it's been a year since our grand-daughter Dakoda joined our family..(she was born on her great-grandpa Lape's 70th birthday...January 7, 2010.) This cute little girl has been so fun to watch change and grow. From trying to whistle to her fun little "HIYA" as you come into the room, she is sure a joy in our lives.
Koda has learned a lot this past year and we are having fun teaching her sign language...She picks things up quickly and copies everything we do.
Happy Birthday, Dakoda Rae!
We Love You!