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Monday, June 15, 2009

My Trip to St George

I had the opportunity this last weekend to go to St George and spend time with the Girls and Tayton. I almost didn't think I was going to make it, because the afternoon before, we got in a car accident, so I spent a few hours in the drs office, then the shuttle driver I had to go to St George left me stranded at a gas station in Springville! But after sweat and tears, I made it with many thanks to a wonderful family from Idaho Falls, Idaho who took me part of the way and caught up with the shuttle driver!
Amaia and I ate at Players Restaurant and got to hug the cook!
Lance, Jaisy & Amaia playing with Playdoh-Mommy's enemy
Messy, but yummy fudgesicles
Amaia was playing preschool with all of her friends
After a few raindrops, a beautiful rainbow
the kids were so excited

Thanks Kniesha, Jaisy, Amaia and Tayton for such a great weekend. I loved spending time doing the "little things" with the girls!


Darwin + Kiara said...

Way to go on the blog, Mom! You must have a good teacher ;)

Now, you just have to keep it up! You can do it!

5on50south said...

The girls are still talking about all of the fun things you did! Thank you so much for your time!

5on50south said...

The girls are still talking about all of the fun things you did! Thank you so much for your time!